Download yahoo chat
Download yahoo chat

  • Yahoo! Games are back: Just click the “Activities” button in the IM window to choose a game to play with a friend.
  • Call forwarding & new voicemail delivery: Now you can forward incoming calls from Yahoo! Messenger to your mobile or regular phone via Phone Out account, now new voicemails are delivered as MP3 attachments to the email address you specify.
  • Import Contacts wizard: easily import contacts from address books of your other online services like Gmail, AOL, Hotmail and Orkut etc., supporting over twenty services in total.
  • download yahoo chat

    For videos, a full player appears just click the play button to watch it right it in your IM window.

  • Inline video & picture viewer: When a friend sends you a video link from a site like YouTube or a link to an online photo, they will show up right in your IM conversation.
  • Return of the older original emoticons with addition of new ones.
  • Three New skins: Silver, Ruby Red, Mystic Black.
  • download yahoo chat

    New Pingbox feature lets you embed a flash chat widget on your social network profiles, blogs, or website and Chat privately with visitors, You can even customize the Pingbox to your taste using various backgrounds, different sizes, colors, greetings etc.

    download yahoo chat

    The most notable new features in this release are:

    Download yahoo chat